Friday, October 08, 2004

What Not to Wear

After passing it up many times, I finally decided to buy the book What Not to Wear. (As well as First Meals and a book for the kiddos A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound. That second book is for when they are older. It was written by John Irving, the author of the book I mentioned a few days ago, A Widow For One Year. The movie based on this book BTW, will be out on DVD 12/04/04; however, I was disappointed to read that the movie is only based on the first third of the book. I'm not so excited to watch it now...oh well.)

I bought the book WNTW b/c I am in dire need of help in the fashion area. This hurts me to say (weep weep) b/c I was once known as one of the most well-dressed girls in school. I know...something to truly aspire to! I knew how to dress when I was...smaller. Once I got curves, all fashion know-how went out the window.

Never in our six years together have I said to RD, "You're not wearing that are you?!" - however, he has said those words to me or giving me that look I can't tell you how many times! Yes, I could use some coaching on what clothes flatter my figure, but he too, realized he needed to lighten up when it came to image. There was once a time when he would balk at the idea of going to the grocery store in sweats. You should have seen the look of horror on his face when he saw me in Adidas running pants and a sweat shirt, walking out the door to go to the store. I should have prefaced this by saying that his mother is a Store Manager of a large department store, and growing up they were taught to dress for every occassion. If you knew his dad, you would be amazed that they were ever married. They are now divorced. He has lightened up quite a bit, and accepted that it is okay to dress DOWN, but he still possesses that special gift of What Not to Wear.

I am in between sizes right now - my transition clothes are too big, yet I still can't fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. My entire closet is one big WNTW.

I'm still doing well...though my attitude and mood has suffered a bit some days. You'd definitely know this if you've been reading my entries this week! I've got a long way to go, but I feel so much thinner already. I've got that rush you get when you start seeing progress. And when I don't have that rush...well...I'm just hungry.

I'm looking forward to sitting down and looking through my new book, and when I get down to my goal weight (of 130 lb. if any of you were wondering), I'll know What to Wear!