Thursday, October 07, 2004

Me Want Food

Our "easy phase" is officially over. RD and I would chuckle to ourselves when people would go on and on about how hard it must be for us, how wonderful we are to be able to care for three babies, how we must be these "Superparents!" We had these sweet, quiet babies that would sit and play quietly with their toys, we could walk in the other room and know they wouldn't move but maybe a foot, they'd sleep three naps a day...well...things are a changing in our house!

As I've mentioned, they're everywhere! I've been scrambling to baby-proof things - kicking myself all the way for not having this all ready to begin with (their ped warned me it would happen overnight!). I can see the third nap is on it's way out. SJ, who is usually so even-tempered, has been a bear since he's been cutting teeth. I'm afraid he's now addicted to Tylenol. That's a joke, for those who are worried I'm serious. AR has most-definitely found her voice, and she likes to use it. She has made it her mission to steal toys away from her brother. She wants to do what they're doing, play with whatever toy they have, anything other than what she's doing. I'm guessing SA is getting ready to cut a tooth any day now. He rolls from one side of the room to the next, gnawing like a wild animal on anything he can get his mouth on.

I'm worn out. This all starts happening as soon as RD goes back to work, and as soon as I've started this diet, no this new healthy way of eating. Rolling eyes. I'm so hungry, I think I might be delirious. I've started counting points again (Weight Watchers), which is the only diet plan that has worked for me in the past. It's working, but damn, I never realized how much I ate before. No wonder the weight was coming off so slow. I would just nibble on things before, but I'm quickly realizing I must've been nibbling all day! LOL

I'm hoping this hunger buzz wears off soon. It's making me irritable and I'm lacking energy. I need to find some power foods, whatever that is...any ideas?

Anyway, onto a different topic, you really should see my neighbor's Halloween decorations! They crack me up. I bitch about them a lot, but have really, truly enjoyed the humor they've provided me since they've moved in. LOL But, as RD said lastnight, "What in the hell are we going to do when we put this house on the market?" Something tells me prospective buyers won't find our eccentric neighbors so inviting. We'll have to make sure we don't do it around any decoration-worthy holiday...not that it matters, they usually leave whatever decorations they have up to whatever the next holiday is that rolls around. Last year they left their Halloween decorations up until Christmas!

I best go grab some dinner before the trio wakes up.

Be back tomorrow...?