Saturday, October 02, 2004

Is it Sitter Worthy?

Since we've had the babies, and getting out without the babies is more of a challenge now, I find myself being more selective in what I agree to do. Should RD and I go out on a date or do we go ahead and go to our friend's party.

We have a very limited number of sitters (willing or able to watch three babies), so when invited to go out we ask each other, "Is it worth getting a sitter?"

We went to a couples' baby shower lastnight. The father-to-be is an old highschool friend of RD. We were both dragging our feet about going. Getting together with friends is something we always look forward to, but suddenly we were weighing it against what other things could we get a sitter for? We haven't been out alone in a LONG time. We haven't been to the movies since before I was pregnant, which is something we have both always enjoyed. We've been out to eat at a restaurant (w/o kids) I think two times...maybe three.

So our good friends, P & C, arrive to watch the babies. P asks, "Why is SJ's right hand bigger than his left?" Huh?! SJ's right forearm and hand was very red and very swollen. Why does this stuff always happen when you're ready to walk out the door? Since the red quickly went away and the swelling went down, we came to the conclusion that P must've been applying pressure unknowingly on SJ's arm. Not being accustomed to getting out much now that I'm a mom, I still get the jitters when leaving them with a sitter. RD could see in my eyes, as I'm frantically searching SJ's body for any other abnormalities, that I'm second-guessing our trip out for the evening. "SJ will be fine. We are going," he said. It wasn't just about whether or not this event was "sitter-worthy", it was quickly sinking in that this would be the farthest we've ever been from the babies. The handful of times RD and I have gotten a sitter, we've gone someplace close to our house.

I had my hands clutched on the cell phone the whole ride out there. I'm hoping AR doesn't give them trouble when they put her to bed. I'm worried that C doesn't remember who sleeps in which bed. Did I remember to tell them that Bud (our cat) tries to sneak in? RD asks me how long I'm going to wait before I call. I can sense in his tone that he knows it won't be long. I told him 7:45 p.m. We left at 7 p.m. He smiles...but in a way I could tell he's thinking, "This is going to be a long night!" I decided I would then wait until 8 p.m. to call - just to see if they got the kids to bed okay. I called at 8 p.m., on the dot. C said everything went great. AR cried for about ten minutes, then fell asleep. Phew. Now I can relax.

Once I got that first call out of the way, I was able to enjoy myself. I had a really nice time, and I'm glad we went - as was RD. I sat at a table with the ladies, RD hung out w/the guys - and we'd occassionally exchange a glance, that look you give each other to sort of check up on each other - that little look that says 'I love you' w/o having to say anything. I can honestly say, I did not worry for the rest of the night. I checked my phone a few times to make sure I didn't miss a call, but all-in-all I was pretty relaxed. I didn't even take the phone to the bathroom with me! LOL

So we had a good evening out with friends, the babies made it okay, we made it okay...and we both realized we do really need to get out more. I think we're finally realizing, almost anything and everything is sitter-worthy at this point.

And it's not like our social calendar is so full that there is any necessity for selectiveness! Ain't that the truth...