Friday, January 21, 2005

The Birthday Party

The beginning of the week started off with a bang. We got a lot accomplished the first few days, then...not so much.

RD did a great job on our bathroom. He painted it a beautiful color - I think it was called Sand Storm. He installed a new faucet, light fixture, and new toilet (our old one didn't match the sink). It's a much cleaner look.

We got other little projects done, none worth mentioning, BUT I did have my spa day yesterday. It was wonderful! Now if I may talk about my toes for a bit - feel free to yuck out. My pedicure. How embarassed was I?! My worst fear. I kid you not. There was stuff flying everywhere! She got out her big ole' foot file and I just knew...just knew this wasn't going to be pretty. All these things started going through my I tell her I was on I tell her that if I don't get regular pedicures, not even the best of foot creams can keep my feet nice - and it's been a loooong time...I've got triplets - they keep me really busy...I'm always bare foot...which one did I pick? None. I just kept my mouth shut and let the funk fly.

I shared my horror story with RD when I got home. I stressed to him how much better my feet would be if I starting going to get regular pedicures again. He has a foot phobia. Seriously...the guy HATES feet. Given his aversion to feet, even mine, he deserves big kudos for keeping mine all lathered up with lotion during those many months I couldn't reach my feet during my pregnancy. Now THAT'S love. He nodded and threw some sort of grunt my way that I was quick to interpret as, "Yes, honey, do whatever you need to do."

Next project...the birthday party. ugh. I can't believe the kids will be one next month!! All moms say this, but I have to say it - I can not believe how fast this year has gone! The doctor is saying, "Do you want to meet your babies?" then all of a sudden you're throwing them a birthday party.

Speaking of the birthday party...I didn't want to have one. They're one years old. It's not like they know they're having a party. And let's face it, does anyone ever really want to go to these things? Feathers getting ruffled, RD was quick to say, "This is big. They're turning one! They NEED to have a party. It's a big deal." Still not sold. "Besides, whether we want to have one or not, this is the only time certain people get to see them. (aunts and uncles...)."

I caved. He has a point. For every person that's moaning and groaning over having to go to yet another kid's birthday party, there's an aunt who has been waiting with great anticipation for this event.

So we're having the party. We made a deal - we'll invite everyone to this one (because the first one's special....blahblahblah), but all birthday parties after this one will be immediate family only. Exception being the new little friends the kids will make along the way. :) We got overloaded at Christmas time and considering the number of people we are inviting (and considering there's three birthday babes), we are putting 'No Gifts' on the invitations. I've already got a tongue-lashing from certain family members when they heard this, but I assured them that their gifts are welcome and appreciated, but I don't want anyone to feel obligated to get them a gift. I figured we'll put the gifts aside at the party, as to not make anyone who didn't bring a gift feel awkward.

So that's my week in a nutshell. Because I have this inner-Martha that is always trying to get out, I am making their invitations. They're turning out to be quite cute if I say so myself. I'm hoping to finish them tonight so I can get them in the mail by Monday.

Until next time...