Tuesday, January 11, 2005

More Randoms

I know this should fall into the why-do-I-care category, but I'm really bummed about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston calling it quits. I don't know - I guess I thought they were different than the rest of them.

I scheduled my spa day for January 20. I was thinking of inquiring about a Brazilian Wax. Am I crazy? The girl who does my eyebrows says that I wince and squirm worse than any of her other clients...I can't imagine how bad this would be, but I'm so sick of razors. If you've had this done and don't mind sharing, I'd like to know about your experience.

I've got a crush. Okay, not a real crush, but a 6th-grade kinda thing. James Denton who plays Mike Delfino on Desperate Housewives. mmm...dreamy. Did I just say dreamy? I also picture certain actors as characters in books I'm reading. He's currently "Logan" in the book I'm reading, Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts. It's so-so. Reading is a something I love to do, but lately my picks have been of a grocery store variety, as I haven't had time to peruse Borders lately. Soon...very soon. I love murder mysteries, ghost stories, thrillers, no sci-fi - if you have any suggestions, send them my way!

Dang these kids won't nap...the boys anyway. I love, love, love that they interact with each other so much now; always cracking each other up, but it isn't so cute during naptime. SA and SJ have spent the last 40 minutes standing in their cribs babbling to each other, laughing, having the greatest time. At least they're not protesting...