Saturday, January 29, 2005

Stacy's Mom Has Got it Going On

I was flipping through a catalog that came in the mail a few days ago. Keeping in tradition of worrying about hurting anyone's feelings, I will leave the name out. I know this brand/store is popular, so I'll stay mum. I have been receiving this catalog for years, but would always promptly throw it away - quickly dismissing the idea that there might be anything I might like in it. I'm wanting some news clothes, so I thought I'd take a browse. The clothes were cute, not what I would call trendy, but cute. Yet there was something about them I didn't like - I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The only word that comes to mind for me is - comfortable. Hey, I can do comfortable. I do comfortable almost everyday, but these were more "going out" comfortable, not hanging out around the house comfortable. But there was still something nagging me about them - a little voice saying, "No...don't buy them. Throw it away."

RD walked in the room and I handed the catalog to him and pointed out a few things.

Me: You like those?
RD: Kind of shrugs and gives me a look that shows he could care less.
Me: Do you think they're "me"?
RD: it a good look. They're too...."mom".

I suddenly knew. He was right. No, it didn't look like something either of our moms would wear, but the clothes were stereotypical "mom" clothes. PTA-going, mini-van driving, pass-the-sippy-cup mom clothes. Nooooooo!!!! I've got the mini-van, we've got the sippy cups, I'm actually excited about someday being involved in the PTA, but please. Please no "mom" clothes!

I frowned a bit. I kinda liked 'em - those "mom" clothes. But I'm not ready for that yet. I'm certainly not a trend-setter and I'm not dressing for anyone, but is it so wrong to want do I say it? Look good? I mean gooooood?

The Today Show had a segment on this morning about 'Moms of Today.' I was feeding the kids at the time, so I only caught bits and pieces, but the gist of it was that today's moms no longer look like the moms of yesterday. They in so many words said that moms today are hot, stylish, trend-setters - they look goooood.

Who am I to argue? ;)