Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Signs Mom Could Use a Break

  1. During changing time, SA often acts like he's going through the worst thing in the world. He hates getting his diaper changed, and hates getting his clothes changed even worse. After giving him his bath, he carried the rubber ducky from the tub with him to the changing table. We went through our usual struggle to get his jammies on him without him throwing himself off the table. I set him in AR's crib while I got her ready for her bath - he's still fussing. I walk over to him to see a large bulge sticking out the right side of his jammies. I not only dressed him in jammies, but rubber ducky as well.
  2. Lastnight, not wanting to miss a minute of American Idol, I scrambled around during commercial breaks to do my nightly chores. I was grabbing dishes off the kitchen counter, quickly putting them into the dishwasher. Feeling a sudden flash of heat on my finger...I HAD SCOOPED UP THE LIT CANDLE JAR TO PUT IT IN THE DISHWASHER.
  3. This morning I set AR on the changing table to change her diaper - I unzipped her pajamas, took her feet out, looked around for a toy to give her (we usually have something handy to work as a distraction), then put her cute little feet back in her jammies, and zipped her up. I looked around for the dirty diaper so that I could deposit it into the Diaper diaper. I seemed to skip the most important task at hand.
  4. This one was about a month ago... After making formula, I put the can of formula (powder) in the fridge and started to put the pitcher of made formula on top of the fridge. The pitcher being quite heavy, it was a struggle, I then realized my error.