Sunday, January 02, 2005

Hope Floats

I haven't been making the rounds through "My Blog Library," but I'm sure Blog Land is littered with New Year's resolutions. I always thought resolutions to be over-rated and found that they are rarely given much thought once February hits - but who am I to toss away the time-honored tradition, so here goes.

Rather than pick one goal to shoot for each year, I usually try to sum things up into being a better person. I'm very stubborn, so you can count on many of my resolutions being repeats each year.

Be More Patient - I hope to not be so hard on my husband and be more forgiving. I hope that I can be forgiving of my husband when I sit on the toilet in the middle of the night, only to discover the seat is up; when I trip over his shoes that are left in the middle of the Dining Room floor; when I’ve been rambling on for five minutes to then discover he hasn't heard a word; when I find he’s left 2-3 old Coke cans in my still-sorta-new-minivan. I hope that he is not close by when these things happen, because I have a feeling this might be a hard one. I also hope to be more patient with my children. Being a good, loving, and patient mother is something I strive for everyday, but I know there are times when my patience has been run thin - times when my tone may not be as gentle, my touch not as soft. During those times I hope that as I’m shouting out that Serenity Prayer, I can say it without gritting my teeth, without spit flying out of my mouth, steam out of my ears, and without the need for RD to walk in with a concerned look on his face, saying with fear, "Is everything okay in here?"

Be Less Defensive - I hope that when my husband complains about the house being dirty, I can learn not to take that as a personal attack. I hope that I can hold back the urge to shout, "ARE YOU SAYING I'M A BAD HOUSEKEEPER?!" when he complains of the dirty dishes in the sink, the pile of laundry in the bedrooms, or asks when was the last time the rooms were vacuumed. And, surely he's not implying that I've been sitting on my butt all day when he questions, "What exactly did you do all day?" Surely he doesn't mean anything by that.

Be Less Lazy - Because sometimes I do just sit on my butt. Not when the babies are awake of course, but sometimes after I've put them down for a nap, I just can't bring myself to do ANYTHING. Though I might need a rest, the piles of crap everywhere just add to the chaos. I'd like to be able to manage my time better. There's got to be a way to keep myself energized and rested and keep the house somewhat clean and clothes laundered. Right? Possibly?

Be Nicer to My Mother - This can be a hard one. This one is on my list every year. As RD keeps telling me, "I need to let the past go." When I find myself tensing up, I try to envision 20-30 years from now, and imagine how horrible it would be if one of my kids was holding a chip on their shoulder from me not being the perfect mother they wanted me to be. Which reminds me...I really need to work on #1.

Take Better Care of Me - Have you seen 10 Years Younger on TLC? That show scared the crap out of me! This show is definitely an incentive to make more frequent trips to the spa, get in quality work-outs, and make sure that I always make time for my nightly regimen.

Above All Else, Appreciate My Life - I've got a wonderful husband, amazing children, and sometimes the best things in life are the easiest things to take for granted. Now this is an easy one...I must remember to tell my husband, AR, SA, and SJ that I love them...each and every day.