Friday, January 07, 2005

Wading In

I'm sorry I've been missing for a few days. We were hit hard with rain here, and our bedroom in the basement leaked pretty bad. This is where we keep our computer, so we've had fans going, air purifiers, you-name-it, in an effort to dry it out down here.

I don't have a lot of time right sweet SA has decided he doesn't want to nap this afternoon. I've been going in every 10-15 minutes to at least try and keep him calm so that he doesn't wake AR or SJ. He's taking more "breaks" so I'm thinking and hoping he's losing steam and will fall asleep soon.

I will be back tonight after the kids go to bed.

In the meantime, apparantly people have had problems posting comments? If you use Haloscan, which I know several of you do, how do I get started? Thanks!

Be back later!