Saturday, January 15, 2005

Isn't he just the sweetest?

Feeling a bit selfish, I started thinking of how loaning out this money would affect me. Remember that weight loss challenge I made for myself? I could link you to it, but that would require effort on my part to find that old post. In a nutshell, RD and I agreed that if I make it to my goal weight by the kids' first birthday, I can go on a $800 shopping spree for new clothes.

What for awhile seemed impossible is now seeming possible again. The weight has started coming off again. Nothing drastic and nothing worth doing cartwheels over, but enough to make it seem like there might be the slightest chance of me making it to my goal weight.

RD gave me a compliment regarding my weight loss. I can't remember exactly what he said, but it's something probably only I would recognize as being a compliment. That's my husband! ha! I said something along the lines of, "Even if I make it to my goal weight, we've given all my prize money away." *pout* RD responds, "No. If you make it to your goal weight, you deserve that money. I'll work an extra shift if I have to." C'mon now, you know you want to say it...awwwwwwwwwww.

Damn I love that man.