Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Big Changes Are Coming Our Way

One of the big questions we have about our upcoming move is our new neighbors. What will they be like? Will some be our age? Are there kids? Are they nice? Will we like them?

Well, this morning I took my mom out to see the house (again), and was happy to see the guy in the house behind us was outside. I got out to introduce myself and he quickly whisked me inside, saying, "My wife is so excited to meet you!" I knew within minutes that I liked them. They have two sons, one that is our kids' age and will be in the same class. She filled me in on the neighborhood (which I was happy to hear is FILLED with kids our kids' age!!), who's who, where the good babysitters live, when the playdates are, etc.

This is going to be such a huge change from where we're coming from. The street we live on now is very diverse. You have the big-money houses up the street, some very nice starter homes, and some not-so-nice houses in the mix as well. Everyone keeps to themselves around here. Talk about a group of people that other than living on the same street, would in no way have anything in common. We'll all give out the polite smile, wave, or nod, but that's the extent of it.

How refreshing it will be to move into a neighborhood where people actually talk to each other. The people in the house behind us (new house that is) have grown so close to the couple two doors down from us that they went on a vacation to Mexico together! Now that's something!

More than anything, I'm so relieved to hear of all the kids our's will have to play with.

As for the progress of the house, they were putting up the drywall and grading (?) out the backyard. It looks like they'll probably start the deck in the next day or two - weather permitting.

I'm sure everyone is sick of me gushing over my excitement about the new house, but I'm just beside myself with anticipation. I can't wait!