Friday, May 27, 2005

Stupid Comment of the Week

I ran up to a local sandwich shop to pick up lunch for us yesterday. I ran into one of our (current) neighbors. We exchanged some chit chat about selling the house (they just sold their's as well), inspections, moving, etc., then the subject of our kids came up. Sometimes...sometimes...I just don't know what to say to some people...

Neighbor: Do you take care of them all by yourself? I you work?

Me: I stay home with the kids.

Neighbor: YOU NEED A JOB! Seriously! You're going to go crazy taking care of those kids. I have a friend with five kids - she had to go out and get a job because she was seriously losing her mind taking care of those kids by herself. You need to GET OUT!

Me: I get out with the kids a lot. They're really a lot of fun.

Neighbor: No! No! You need to go get a part-time job or something. It will do you wonders!

Me: Yea. I really should get going. Nice seeing you. Choke back expletive.

This was fresh on the heels of my mom saying I need to start potty training my 15-month olds, so I'd already hit my limit on helpful advice for the day.

We've got a busy weekend ahead of us, so I'm not sure I'll be back on-line for a couple days - maybe Sunday afternoon during naptime. In the meantime, everyone enjoy their weekend!