Monday, May 30, 2005

Happy Memorial Day!

Sarafem Update....So far it seems to be working rather well. I still worry over the silliest and craziest things, but I'm much slower to react to things that upset me. My mother told me yesterday that she wants to buy stock in the stuff. ha! She said it has changed her life (me taking it). I admit I was pretty awful to her sometimes. She does soooo many things that annoy the piss out of me, and I just couldn't let things go. Since I've been taking the medicine, she still annoys me, but I can just shrug - or sometimes even laugh - things off. She had surgery on her thumb a week or so ago, so she's off work for the next seven weeks. I've been seeing or talking to her almost everyday, and GET THIS...even enjoying it! Who'da thunk?!


I have let my house go. It is a mess! We've got boxes piled up in every corner. With the (first) move right ahead of us, I keep thinking, "Why clean now when I'm going to have to do it all over again right before we move?" Uh...because that's what you do. When else would you say, "Oh...I have to clean next week, so why do it this week?" We had some surprise guests that knocked some sense (or embarassment really) into me lastnight, so I got a dent in some cleaning this afternoon after I put the kids down for their nap. The place is still a mess, but it's somewhat presentable.


Can I tell you how much I am dreading living with my MIL? She is a wonderful person. I love her dearly. SHE'S not the problem. It's just being someone's guest for a month. It's having to pick up after myself (and the kids...and who am I kidding...RD), because it's not our home - I can't just leave it for later. I'm not one to leave toiletries out on the sink and dishes out on the counter. I'm quite anal about putting things back in their place, but having that feeling that I have to put it's just different. Worrying about how long it will take the kids to get adjusted. Will they sleep well? Will they keep her up? Will our cats puke all over her carpet? I know we'll have to go through getting the kids adjusted again in the new house, but it will be our house. We'll be the only ones the kids will be keeping up. If we want to leave our dishes out 'til the morning - so be it. Let's hope our house is ready ON TIME. Talking to the neighbors, they said all homes in this subdivision have been ready on time, and some even early. They're in the final phase of this subdivision and are starting a new one, so I'm sure they're anxious to get everything wrapped up so they can move on to their next project.


RD graduates from his residency next month. This is something I looked forward to for so long. The plan was that we would start a family and I would be a stay-at-home mom as soon as he finished his residency. Well...we started our family ahead of schedule, and triplets not being in the plan, I was lucky enough to be a stay-at-home mom earlier than anticipated. We weren't about to pay for three kids in daycare, so RD picked up some extra moonlighting shifts...and the sudden halt in our social life helped the budget as well, so everything worked out just fine. The only thing I would change? I wish I would've known that my last day of work was my last day of work. I had dreamed of the day he would graduate so I could stay home. Of course once I found out I was pregnant with triplets, I knew I'd be quitting soon, but I thought I had a few months to prepare. But thanks to an unexpected trip to the ER at 18 weeks (about 4-6 contractions an hour), I was told to stop working immediately. Just like that. I went straight to work from the hospital, packed a box, handed my Supervisor my doctor's notice, and headed home. That was it. No, "Yeahhh! This is my last day!" No countdown. No going away party with cake and ice cream. Nada. My life as I knew it was changing right then and there. It all worked out great in the end, it just would've been nice to know. Half the fun is in the anticipation of it. The fun of wondering what's to come.