Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Boxes and boxes

Lots of empty boxes. I really need to pack. Really should pack. Kind of want to pack. Can't find the energy to pack.

I remember packing for the house we're in now. RD and I were cramped up in an itty bitty apartment, been married about a month, and I could not wait to move into our new home. As soon as we had the contract accepted on this house, I was packing boxes. Everyone kept telling me that I had plenty of time to pack ("What's the rush," they'd say), but I wouldn't listen. I was so excited to get ready for the new house.

I'm excited about the new house. Excited enough to find it extremely hard to sleep at night with all the visions of our new home going through my head, but during the day I'm just going through the normal routines I do everyday, no time to sit and daydream. The last thing I want to do when I have a minute to kick back and take a breather is pack. That's just one more thing I have to squeeze into my day.

SEEKING MOTIVATION. Must find motivation to pack. Maybe when I go to sleep tonight, I need to picture myself a month from now, scrambling in a fury to pack because I procrastinated today. We'll see if that works. ;)