Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Poop flies, baby!

I feel there's been a common theme around here.


It's everywhere. We had some friends over one night and I saw one whispering to the other and pointing at something. "What is it," I asked. "I think it's poop. On the floor!" I should've at least tried to act surprised (or disgusted for that matter), but I just went over and picked it up with a tissue, then went on like this was totally normal.

Just this morning I was changing SA on the changing table, when rolling up his diaper, a pellet of poop went flying behind the table.

Me: RD, before you leave, I need you to pull the changing table out. Some poop fell back there.

RD: Okay.

No "What...how...why...," just "OK!"

We're clean people. Really we are! It's just...there's just so much of it. And it doesn't help that it often comes in little balls.

All I can say is think twice before picking up that mystery item on the floor.

Now...how bad do you want to come to MY house right now? ;)