Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Back from the Dead

I kind of expected some "Where-have-you-been comments," but got nary a one. Oh well. Hey, even if it's all in my head, I think my Serafem is starting to work, so I don't even care. heehee!

I'm finally starting to feel somewhat normal. I started feeling a bit queasy Saturday afternoon, then by dinnertime I told RD I was going to bed and I wasn't to be bothered. I truly felt like death was upon me. Around 9 p.m. or so is when the vomiting started. Vomiting and diarrhea - oh joy! The vomiting, along with chills and cold sweats continued through the night, then by morning all I was left with was the lovely diarrhea and hit-by-a-truck feeling. RD was wonderful and took care of everything while I tried my best to sleep. As tired as I was you'd think sleep would come easy, but between SJ's screaming (he's been having a run of the whinies lately), the cats smothering me, and my stomach flipping, I couldn't get more than 10-15 minutes at a time.

Today I am feeling much better. I'm still queasy and haven't had much of an appetite (wouldn't it be wonderful if I lose some weight out of this?), but at least I'm mobile. So far - knock on wood - neither the kids nor RD have showed any signs of getting sick. I'm hoping we're in the clear.

Now on to the fun stuff. We bought bedroom furniture! We also bought a couch for the front living room, but that's not as exciting. Some friends went with us Friday night to help us carry the kids as we went from store to store. The bedroom set we bought was actually at the first place we looked, but we wanted to be sure it was what we wanted before we put any money down. We also found the dining room furniture we're going to get (probably in a few weeks) - I'm still looking for a picture of it to post. Here's the bedroom set:

Bedroom Set
*Picture credit to Rhodes Furniture.

The house is coming along great. They've got the roof on. I have some more pictures, but I still need to download them to the computer.

RD's bugging me to help him pack, so I better run. I hope everyone had a great (and healthy) weekend!

Until next time...