Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Baby Updates

A home nurse came to give the kids their Synagis shots today (RSV vaccination). That sure was a production! One of the nurses (in training for home care), was in the NICU when the babies were born. I don't remember her, but it was nice chatting with her. She recognized their names. We're sure she had them as a patient at some point.

SA has finally been rolling over! I think I mentioned before that he was the last to do this. He is such a content baby (RD said that if people had babies like SA all the time, they would have 10!) and he's also pretty big, so he hasn't had any motivation to roll. He rolled from his back to his front first (it's usually the other way around); and ever since he did that, he wants to keep doing it and doing it. It's so cute...babies always seem to do that - once they discover something new, it becomes an obsession! He rolled over from his front to back yesterday - WHEN I WAS ON THE PHONE!! GRRRR!! I missed it darn it. I would've loved to have seen his technique! ;)

SJ has cut his first tooth! I swear I just checked yesterday and there was nothing - today the nurse looked at him and said, "Well, lookie here! He's got a tooth!". I was so excited that he had his first tooth, but bummed at the same time that I didn't discover it first. Silly, I know. I can't wait for RD to get home from work. It's his birthday today; I'll have to let him know SJ has a present for him. :)

AR is crazy as ever. She is so hyper! I can't even imagine what she'll be like as a toddler. The girl can never sit still - her legs are always moving, she's either yelling, screaming, crying, or giggling...she always has some dramatic emotion on display. I was really losing my patience with the kids the other day; obviously you can't yell at a baby or reason with a baby, so in my frustration I just scrunched my face together and growled. Sounds pretty mature for a 30-year old, but it somehow made me feel better. Funny thing, AR scrunched her face right back and me and laughed. Now she likes to look at people and scrunch her face, then she laughs at how funny she is. She sure showed me! LOL

Usually I just have the babies in onesies during the day, but since it's RD's birthday, I decided to dress the babies up a bit. They look so cute!

RD's mom is coming over for dinner tonight. I'm excited to see her. She is so awesome. I consider myself very lucky to have such a good relationship with my MIL. Now...what to make.... I really need to get my butt off the computer and figure out what we have....

Off I go!