Saturday, September 25, 2004

Damn those Democrats!

First, my apologies if I've offended any Democrats out there...I know you're not all bad.


As if it's not bad enough that I live in a very liberal town...never had I had so many people knocking on my door trying to get me to vote for this or that...or sign so many damn petitions as I have since we've lived here.

We keep getting these recorded phone calls from people wanting us to check out various anti-Bush websites.

Though you can't tell from the title of this entry, neither my husband or I are the types to try to force our political opinions on anyone. Vote for whomever the hell you like, I'll just be praying that it's for the right guy. ;) But due to the overwhelming number of teenage Kerry-pushers coming to our door as of late, we thought it might be a good idea to put a Bush/Cheney sign in our yard (we're also thinking it might backfire and bring more our way though...). Anyway, a little incident my mother had on the highway this morning is giving me second thoughts. She has a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on her car...loooong story short, a couple idiots in a jeep ran her off the road - one of the guys was hanging out the window yelling obscenities about Bush. Now, keep in mind my mother has quite the flair for the dramatics, so she could have just as easily been given the bird, and was maybe slowing down to "hear" him better (you never know with her...either way, it's got me second-guessing putting a sign out front.

Before the babies I would've said "f*ck 'em!" and put it out front w/o a care. Now that we have kids, I think of things from a more paranoid, unrealistic-thinking, probably-not-gonna-happen-but-what-if-it-does frame of mind.

Damn Democrats!