Sunday, September 05, 2004

More Random Tidbits

I'm so bummed RD has to work today. People often ask me how I take care of the kids by myself so much. My answer is always that it's not that difficult...pretty easy really. That is an honest answer; however, now that RD's been home a week and I've gotten used to having a second hand every day for over a week, I wonder to myself, "How do I do this by myself?!?!"

AR will not nap lately. I sure hope this is just a growth spurt and this insomnia that's been inflicted on my child is only temporary.

Our neighbor's new roommate has picked the spot right in front of our house to park his big, ugly truck. As of right now, my only tactic has been to glare out the window in disgust when he parks there...very passive-aggressive of me. We'll see if I get the balls to finally say something. Why can't he park in front of his own house?

I'm so glad I found I've kept a journal on my PC for some time now. I've always enjoyed writing as though I had an audience. Now I do..sure it might only consist of two or three people, but it's a start!

I watched Dr. Phil the other day and I can't get the episode out of my head. It was SAHM's vs. Working Mom's. I was floored at how these mothers talked to each other. I guess I shouldn't have been, but I was surprised at how each side looked down on the other. I have my reasons (besides the obvious fact that we can't afford to have three babies in daycare) for choosing to be a SAHM, but I do not look at my friends that choose to work (or maybe have no choice to stay home) in a negative way. Listening to these women made me look at things from a different view. Maybe I'll write about that another day. I want to choose my words very carefully. It's not a topic I wish to write about in length while rushing through a post (my babies will be up any minute!).