Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Ramblings from a tired woman

I had the babies 6 mo. photos taken at Sears Portrait Studio last week. It is so hard to find cute picture frames!! Maybe I need to go into it with a more open mind. I have a picture in my head of exactly what I want, and I'm not finding it. I've gone to Target, a few stores at the mall, HomeGoods, and Pier luck. I think I'm going to go to Pottery Barn tomorrow and see what I can find. Of course I'll find what I want at the more expensive store. That's just how it works!

Something I've noticed with the babies, is that they sleep heavier during some naps than others (I know you're thinking, "You JUST noticed that?!" LOL). They've always been heavy sleepers at night - the phone can ring, the doors can open and close, the tv is blaring (we are "loud tv people"), but naturally, since they don't sleep as heavy at during the day, they wake up at (sometimes) the slightest noise. They have three naps a day - the morning nap EVERYTHING and ANYTHING wakes them up, and they won't go back to sleep. For some stupid reason our phones don't have on/off switches for the ringer, so for now I just hide the cordless under a large quilt to muffle the noise. We always swore that we wouldn't have the type of house where you had to be quiet for the babies to nap...but, well...sometimes you get desperate. Give me some credit...there are three of them!! LOL During their afternoon nap, they sleep heavier. The phone sometimes makes them stir a bit, and sometimes will wake them up, but they fall back to sleep almost immediately. The third nap (which is their short, cat nap), they would sleep through probably anything (very helpful since this is during the making of dinner...lots of pot-banging going on). Why I felt this warranted an entry in my blog, I don't know :) , but I found it interesting.

I finally purchased a light-up, noisy, toy for the kids. It's a V-Tech gadget...Brainy Baby - it's supposed to stimulate their left brain. They really don't have any toys, with the exception of a few Lamaze stuffed animals, so I felt we were long overdue. We've only had this thing one day, and already I'm about ready to throw it against the wall. Hello, Brainy Baby. How are you Brainy Baby? A triangle has three sides. A star has five sides. Where are you Brainy Baby? Bye-bye Brainy Baby! click-click-KAPOW!